Justice and Mercy

As a community, we care about the work of justice and mercy happening in our global community. We seek the invitation of Jesus into what this looks like in the form of holistic, proclaiming and demonstrating, Gospel-rooted action across the globe. Currently, we are privileged to participate in the work God is doing in Eastern Africa. Learn more below! 

  • Begun by our Imago Elder-on-Mission, Dr. Garry Friesen, ABC exists to wipe out biblical illiteracy in Rwanda. All the Bible in Community is led by a team of Rwandan leaders that have joined Dr. G in bringing the fullness of scripture to their home. Their work and commitment has led to pastor trainings, first time scholarly conferences, and what will be the largest theological library in East Africa. 

    Imago partners with ABC through financially supporting Dr. G out of tithes and offerings and is honored to hold Dr. G and the leaders of ABC in prayer. You can learn more about All the Bible in Community by going HERE

  • Since 2006, The Water Project has been helping communities gain access to clean, safe water by providing training, expertise and financial support for water project construction. They are unlocking human potential by providing reliable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation.

    Imago has been partnered with TWP for years as we annually give above and beyond to this incredible work financially as a community. Our leaders and friends in Western Kenya have paved the way for us to reimagine joy, community, and the work of Jesus in demonstrating practical ways to love our neighbors well.